Take a moment to look at yourself, do you notice any of the following signs?
If you do, its time to book in for a Naturopathic appointment
Facial identifications of health
~ Thinning hair ~ Biotin deficiency
~ Dark circles under eyes ~ iron deficiency
{{or dark circles could be genetic}}
~ Cracked lips ~ Blood sugar or dehydration
~ Sudden wrinkles around eyes ~ dehydration
~ Twitching eye ~ low or deficient magnesium
~ Puffy eyes ~ Iodine deficiency
~ Bumps on arms ~ EFA deficiency
~ Acne jawline ~ hormone deficiency, Excess of the hormone
androgen in women, PCOS
~ Acne forehead ~ digestion, and poor liver function
~ Acne cheeks ~ vitamin B or D deficiency
~ Acne temples ~ kidneys and bladder issues
And so much more
Book in today